School Information

North Beacon Woods is served by Northville Public Schools. Northville Public School System has six elementary schools, two middle schools, one high school and two special education buildings. Northville Public Schools has a school population of approximately 7,039 students enrolled in kindergarten through the twelfth grade. Approximately 280 students in the Special Education Center and approximately 900 students in the pre-school/child care programs. Moraine Elementary School is within walking distance from North Beacon Woods.

North Beacon Woods Elementary Schools:

Amerman Elementary is located at 847 North Center Street Northville, Michigan 48167. Northville’s MEAP scores are constantly in the top five in the entire State of Michigan. Amerman serves K-5 grades. They have a parent evaluations offered for parents. The student’s day starts 8:50am and dismissal is at 3:45pm.

Moraine Elementary is located at 46811 Eight Mile Road, Northville, Michigan 48167. The school was built-in 166. It is approximately 25 miles northwest of Detroit, Michigan. Moraine serves K-5 grades.

Ridge Wood Elementary is located at 49775 Six Mile Road, Northville, Michigan 48168. The student’s day starts at 8:50am and ends at 3:45pm. Ridge Wood serves K-5 grades.

Silver Springs Elementary is located at 19801 SIlver Springs Drive, Northville, Mi 48167. Their mission is to “provide an atmosphere that fosters elf esteem, promotes individual achievement, emphasizes higher-level thinking skills, provides opportunities for creative self-expression and encourages respect for self, others and the environment. The student’s day starts at 8:50am and dismissal is at 3:45pm. Silver Springs Elementary believes “…that every child is a unique, constantly developing individual. …that education is the process that nurtures individual academic, social and emotional development in a cooperative setting”.

Thornton Creek Elementary is located at 46180 Nine Mile Road, Novi, Michigan 48374. Their mission is “we, the students, staff, and [the] families of Thornton Creek Elementary share the responsibility of creating a safe and positive environment which promotes self-esteem, mutual respect and optimum student learning”. The student’s day starts at 8:50am and dismissal is at 3:45pm.

Winchester Elementary is located at 16141 Winchester Drive, Northville, Michigan 48168. The student’s day starts at 8:50am and dismissal is at 3:45pm.

North Beacon Woods Middle Schools:

Students in North Beacon Woods would attend Hillside Middle School, however there is one more middle school serving Northville.

Hillside Middle School is located at 775 North Center, Northville, Michigan 48167. The student day begins at 8:15 am to 3:02 pm. Hillside offers students hands on learning experiences as well as in-depth classroom lessons. Hillside offers Forensics, MATHCOUNTS, Raider Review (School Newspaper), Science Olympiad, Student Council, Yearbook, Homework Help, Choir, Band, and the Athletics Program; to fit every child’s needs and dreams. Hillside is located “on the hill” at Eight Mile and Center street. It is on the top of the highest point in Wayne County. Their mission is “to provide a dynamic, enriching environment where students are empowered, with the help of home and community, to become compassionate life-long learners. Hillside students will be prepared as responsible, internationally minded, global citizens, and effective communicators. Our program encourages the development of the whole child. We recognize and foster the need for our students to grow both socially and academically during their middle school years”.

Meads Middle School is located at 16700 Franklin Road, Northville, Michigan 48168. Meads Middle School is known as the Meads Mill Patriots. Their student body is in the low nine-hundreds with 55 teachers. Meads adds about twenty to thirty additional students per year. Their mission is “to challenge all students through a comprehensive curriculum committed to a child-oriented team concept which promotes achievement, a positive self-concept, creativity and problem solving skills during the transition from elementary to high school, and is supported by active participation of staff, parents and [the] community”. Student’s begin their day about 7:40am until 3:10pm.

North Beacon Woods High Schools:

Northville High School is located at 45700 Six Mile Road, Northville, Michigan 48168. “We, the staff of Northville High School, in partnership with the students, parents and community, are committed to mutual responsibility for learning through effective teaching. Our mission is to challenge all students to reach their potential and to develop responsible citizens in a caring and supportive environment”. Northville High offers multiple activities and clubs for students to participate in. Northville High also offers its own athletic program for its students.

For More About The Northville Community And It’s Schools – Click Here!


For More about the Northville Community and it’s Schools – click here

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Northville, Michigan